Sunshine and Studies: The Best Spots to Work Outside

Author: Lorin Harris

Read Time: 4 Minutes


One of the hardest parts about going to class and studying for exams in the spring is being cooped up inside and missing the gorgeous weather. Penn State’s campus is blooming in April and May, and a sunny day cures any academic ails. Taking your studies outside can not only make studying more enjoyable, it can also improve your mental health and frame of mind to conquer big exams. Here are some of the best locations on campus to do so:

The Arboretum

The Arboretum, located across from Park Avenue on the northern tip of campus, is spacious and gorgeous place to do work outside. Bring a blanket and sprawl out on the grassy areas, set up work on a table, or kick back in one of their chairs littered throughout the garden. Taking study breaks on the walking trails or smelling the flowers while you work elevates any work.

The Sidney Friedman Park

Located a few streets off campus next to the State High football field, this little park is a nice break away from campus and a great place to work outside. There are picnic tables and benches, as well as grass to lay blankets on. It’s a unique option if you live off campus or if campus is crowded.

The Creamery

The creamery is a nice, shaded area with benches and tables, which makes it the perfect place to study outside and also have the option of a sweet treat at your fingertips!

Hintz Alumni Building

The Hintz Alumni Building, located behind the Sackett Building, is a hidden gem of quiet gardens, ponds and sculptures that makes it the perfect outdoor spot to study or sit on the grass.

The “Lawns”

Everyone knows the HUB and Old Main lawns provide ample space to lay out and sit at tables to do work. but their are other lawns on campus that also have lots of room, peace and quiet. The Business Building and Law lawns, both located in front of their respective buildings north of campus, are great spots to soak up the sun and take breaks to play sports, take walks or nap. The IM fields, located nearby, are spacious and great for those reasons as well. Students could easily set up lawn chairs or blankets for a more sophisticated space.

The Effects of Good Weather on Mental Health and Academic Performance

Exposure to sunlight and good weather is beneficial for numerous reasons. Exposure to sunlight triggers a burst of the hormone serotonin, which can boost your mood, calmness and focus levels—all great foundations for a productive study session. Additionally, healthy levels of sun increase vitamin D levels which can protect against diseases and disorders. Incorporating health amounts of sunshine, warm weather and time outside in nature provides a positive foundation of mental and physical health that springboard academic success. Studying outside is a great way to kill two birds with one stone and get your daily dose of outdoors while not sacrificing any time doing productive work.


Studying outside is a minor tweak in routine that can switch up a dull finals week and maximize time spent doing necessary tasks. Penn State is a huge campus with many hidden gem places, and mixing up a change of scenery from a desk or library table keeps things fresh and increases your chances of success because of the benefits on your health.

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