Book Recommendations for Curious Economics Students

Read Time: 3 Minutes

Author: James Tierney


When I used to teach at Penn State University, my aim each semester was to inspire students to continue exploring economics. If I accomplished that goal, I considered the semester a success.

One way I measured success was by the number of students who requested further readings. Each semester, a handful of students would ask for more information on the Fed, behavioral economics, or several other economic topics. They would ask me, “If I wanted to learn more about economics, what books would recommend?” and I would have to retype out an email each time. This post made it much more simple than sending the same email over and over again. Here are the top books to send economics students.

Over the years, I’ve added to a list of books I’ve read that I recommend. You can find many of the books below and more on Jadrian Wooten’s Top Popular Press Books for Economics Students. Along with his coauthor, Jared McEntaffer, Wooten reached out to faculty and “received responses from 117 different individuals who recommended 150+ books.” They then reported the top 10. His list is excellent, and I continually send out his link along with the other books mentioned below.

Fun Reads on Economics & Behavioral Economics

Freakonomics by Levitt & Dubner

Super Freakonomics by Levitt & Dubner

More Sex is Safer Sex by Landsburg

The Armchair Economist by Landsburg

Predictably Irrational by Ariely

The Upside of Irrationality by Ariely

The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty by Ariely

Thinking Fast & Slow by Kahneman

Nudge by Thaler

Misbehaving by Thaler

Fed & Financial Crisis (My Favorites)

The Courage to Act by Bernanke

Stress Test by Geithner

The Big Short by Lewis

Current Economic Issues

New Geography of Jobs by Moretti

Diversity Explosion by Frey

Open: The Progressive Case for Free Trade… by Clausing

An Economist Walks Into a Brothel by Schrager

History of Economics

Keynes Hayek by Wapshott

The Worldly Philosophers by Heilbroner

The Price of Peace: Money, Democracy, and the Life of John Maynard Keynes by Carter

The above is just a small number of excellent books available to the curious economic student. If you have additional readings you think should be included, please let me know. I plan to continually update this article to reflect more recently published books in this space.

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